Bice Perrini is an artist and chef too,she offers private-chef services for families and foreign guests who spend their summer holidays in Puglia(Italy) or she can move and travel abroad with food and lodging.  

Bice Perrini – Coloribo – Colori da Mangiare


Please call me if you are interesting in Mediterranean Color-diet to cell.+39-3923281905


Just a few straight lines to follow this type of diet .

Coloribo diet is a new way to consume meals, stimulating multisensory vibration through the natural color of foods and has simple rules of eating behavior. Thanks to the careful selection of products, it is suitable for all those who intend to meal as”phisycal and mental recreation” and who want to approach the Mediterranean diet in a creative way.


List here is a few color diet rules that enhance the multisensory nature of foods and that do not alter their natural color.



1 Foods are almost all raw or slightly cooked, fire cookers kills nutrients.

2 The main condiment is the extra virgin olive oil

3 No fried, stuffed in recipes.

4 Proteins are allowed to consume fish (preferably blue), cheeses and dairy products, legumes, meat only once a month for adults, 4 times for kids.

5 Colors:  vegetables and sour fruits at will.

6 There must be at least two flavors in each dish: one with leaf + one spice (eg mint + ginger, basil and turmeric).

7 Important flours and wheat with which carbohydrates are prepared (bread, pasta, rice), which must be made with horn senile honeycombs, integral or multicenter.

8 The room must be perfectly ventilated.

9 Obligatory relaxing background music.

10 Eat calmly, chewing well.

11 It is only allowed to drink a glass of wine or beer. For those who have a natural juice or vegetable extract.

12 Water changes depending on the meal: smooth or carbonated, cold or at room temperature.

13 Eggs are only used if organic or farmed.

14 Eat at least one  little banana daily and daily use oilseeds such as almonds, nuts, pumpkin seeds, hemp.




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