About me
I’m Bice Perrini, an artist-chef who designed a creative food project named Coloribo – Eating with Colors. I’m a painter who loves art in all of its shades. I’m specialized in oil painting and visual arts: engraving and watercolor, performances, installations. Since 2006 I have been attending workshops with stars such as Ferra Adrià, Pietro Leeman, Vito Cortese. In 2007 Coloribo was born, a multisensory art performance made with vegetables and natural elements. The project is a way to urge people to paint with food, discovering a new form of creativity that will soon be called chromatic cuisine.
Like prolonged echoes mingling in the distance In a deep and tenebrous unity, Vast as the dark of night and as the light of day, Perfumes, sounds, and colors correspond.
Charles Baudelaire
Coloribo comes from the Italian words colori (colors) and cibo (food). It is an itinerant taste and cooking workshop that introduces art in the kitchen through colors and nature, engaging all the senses. Colors are the foundation of Coloribo. Starting from a simple reflection on art, we seek a connection with nature, bringing together the traditional food and innovative cuisine. Coloribo chromatic cooking project is almost entirely vegetarian and inspired to the latest health trends and wellbeing cuisine. What makes Coloribo special is the use of the brush to create a playful performance involving diners.

The book
Bice Perrini is also the author of Coloribo, colori da mangiare e cibo multisensoriale (Coloribo, food colors and multisensory food), published in 2008 with Lupo Editore and in 2012/15 with Adda Editore. Bice has also contributed to the Gribaudo manuals: Puglia che mangia differente – 2012 (Puglia that eats differently) And Cucina differente – 2016 (Different Kitchen). The Coloribo book is about the weekly menu of color cooking, on how to make color menus with seasonal produce and the meaning of multisensory food. In short, the Coloribo book is a real manual on artist cuisine based on seasonal produce and psycho-physical well-being.