New Mediterranean Color-diet by Bice Perrini private-chef
Coloribo is a food-method that is ispired to the colors of Mediterranean-diet, it helps to lose weight, keeps the hearth healthy, reduces the risk of diabetes, it makes it easy to keep fit, stimulates creativity and five senses.
Naturally the Coloribo-diet it must be combined for the first with regular exercise in the opening air like walking or cycling or swimming in the sea or in the lake; for the second in connection to Art in all its form: painting, music, dance, literature, theather, architecture.
Really it is a lifestyle and philosophy which aims at the respect for seasons, for biodiversity and enviroments around us. The purpose of this work is to spreade this type of nutrition because stimulating all 5 senses increases the person’s energy level by improving his / her life in its entirety and bringing each person to be more creative and away from stress.
Man is more productive when he is immersed in a state of total well-being, becoming more motivate to improve the quality of his life.
If we get used to thinking about food differently by adding colors to our diet and not taking away calories, we will add daily health and balance in our lives.
The main foods of Coloribo diet are: extra virgin olive oil, whole grains, legumes, blue fish, oilseeds, dried fruit such as almonds, herbs and naturally fresh vegetables and fruits of all colors.
Foods to be taken daily are 3 portions of unrefined cereals (pasta, rice, bread, spelled, oats), 3 portions of fruit, 6 portions of vegetables, 1 portion of milk and dairy products, 1 legumes or oilseeds, Natural water in free quantity and as condiments spices, herbs and olive oil. Weekly there are 6 fish portions (preferably blue and rich in omega3), 2 servings of white meat and poultry, 4-5 servings of olives, legumes and nuts, 3 potato portions, 2 eggs and 3 cakes. Red meat is only allowed once a month, but if you can avoid it is better. For a weekly low calorie Mediterranean diet it is enough to weigh the portions and not exceed the condiments.
Natural colors: Seasonal vegetables and fruits
Vegetables and fruit are low-calorie but high-volume foods, and therefore also with a high-pitched power. They contain large amounts of minerals (inorganic substances that play important functions in the body by participating in vital processes and regulation of body fluids), vitamins (small amounts essential organic substances to facilitate and enable the conduct of metabolic processes) and plasma antioxidants that neutralize free radicals of oxygen, responsible for the aging process. It is important to remember that fruits and vegetables reach the fullest of their organoleptic and nutritional qualities at full maturity; It is therefore advisable to consume seasonal products preferably.
They are considered to be good foods not only because they contain fibers but also for polyphenols containing ,diethylphenol, anthocyanins and carotenoids that give food vitality and have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory action. They revere the cells and in this way they can reduce the effects of cellular aging and inflammatory processes especially those at the base of tumor development. The ideal is to consume it fresh and raw, boiled for a few minutes or boiled and seasoned. Ideal is to season them with extra virgin olive oil and fresh lemon drops and make abundant aromatic herbs: mint, sage, basil, rosemary, oregano, curry, turmeric, ginger. These allow you to limit the use of salt by preventing hypertension and cardiovascular damage. Also use oily seeds such as almonds, cashew nuts, pumpkin seeds, sunflower, hemp, containing mineral salts, omega 3 and omega 6.
A separate talk would be worth the legumes but we put it in this chapter for practicality. A separate talk would be worth the legumes but we put it in this chapter for practicality. Legumes contain protein in amounts equal to or greater than meat and double in comparison to cereals. The proteins contained in the legumes, however, alone do not meet the daily requirement because they do not contain all the 8 essential amino acids, unlike meat, therefore should be combined with the cereals. I introduce you the family of legumes: soya, chickpeas, peas, lentils, beans, peans.

Polignano 2009
Fresh fruit juice and vegetables (extract or centrifuge)alternating colors therefore seasonal vegetables, bread with cereals and oilseeds or carrot cake with almonds/fruit tart with cane sugar, yogurt or oat milk.
(Scrivere le ricette di 7 succhi e poi fotografarli per ogni menù).
One fresh fruit and banana
Carrots to munch, nuts
Green tea or green coffee
Color-salad withe “ Queen’s salad”
Tea bancha
Light cheese witn frisellines/ rice cakes
and carousels .
Fresh orange juice
Octopus in damp with violet vegetables
Tomato salad with red onions
1 glass of rose wine
A little slice of black bread