Orange Menu

Wednesday’s menu inspired by Turner’s sunset, based on garden fruits rich in beta-carotene for cardiovascular benefits.

Orange symbolizes :  Harmony, creativity, ambition, understanding
Typical Ingredients are: cloves, marjoram, musk, bran , carrot, lotus, orange, apricot
Typical Nutrients are: vitamin A, lutein

Fruit Extract with carrots, orange, apple and lemon extract

Turner orange salad : seasonal salad, oranges, Polignano carrots with olive and rocket dip.

Chirashi with red raw rice, buckwheat, lentils

 Pumpkin cream with red raw rice or black rice.

Carrots and peppers Gazpacho 

Spaghetti di carote alla menta

Pasta fresca a sorpresa                                                  

Selection of yellow paste cheese (aged and smoked)

Raw pumpkin and salmon carpaccio (salmon is marinated in citrus fruits)

Orange Fruit Sorbet 

Seasonal Fruit

Grandma “Rosolio” with figs





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