Red Menu
Inspired by the Harmoni in Red by Matisse. It reflects the Mediterranean Diet, with garden fruits rich in lycopene and antioxidant anthocyanins that help the digestion.
Red symbolizes : Excitement, energy, love, passion
Typical Ingredients: Red pepper, sun-dried tomatoes, goji berries, anise star cherry tomatoes, strawberries, beets, cherries, wild rice
Typical Nutrients are: Vitamins, free radicals, iron, potassium.
Estratto di barbabietola rossa, mele rosse e limone
Pane ai cereali con salse rosse( pomodori secchi, peperoncino, barbabietola).
Radish salad with strawberries and oblong tomatoes .
Wild red rice with red atzuky beans and chili .
Bread with sun-dried tomatoes sauce. Baked mullet in beetroot sauce with crumbles of staranice.
Petals of chocolate with goji berries.
Beetroot juice